Call for papers
The topics of interested of the Research Project Showcase correspond to the ones of STAF 2019. All submissions describing projects that involve aspects concerning Software Technologies, Applications and Foundation are welcomed. Special interest goes to submissions that describe how the results of the project have been assessed and evaluated in real industrial settings and on Research statements for future projects concerning Software Technologies, Applications and Foundation.
Eligible Projects
The types of projects that are eligible for presentation in this track are manifold:
- Projects funded by the European Union, by national or local funding organizations, or even by individual universities and industries;
- Projects focused on fundamental research, applied research or be more industry-oriented;
- Projects carried out by an international consortium of partners or projects might involve partners of the same country.
- Research statements for future projects concerning Software Technologies, Applications and Foundation.
Paper Organization
Each submission should clearly indicate:
- The name and acronym of the project.
- The list of participants (with names and affiliations) involved in the project.
- The link to the official project website/research team web site.
- The status and duration of the project.
- A detailed description of the goals of the project.
- A description of the (expected) achievements and (expected) outcome of the project.
- A detailed explanation of the relevance of the project (or one of its work packages) to the topics of the STAF conference.
- Positioning and references to related work or related projects.