Authors Title
Heiko Klare, Torsten Syma, Erik Burger and Ralf Reussner A Categorization of Interoperability Issues in Networks of Transformations
Sebastian Ehmes, Lars Fritsche and Andy Schürr SimSG: Rule-based Simulation using Stochastic Graph Transformation
Stefan John, Alexandru Burdusel, Robert Bill, Daniel Strüber, Gabriele Taentzer, Steffen Zschaler and Manuel Wimmer Searching for Optimal Models: Comparing Two Encoding Approaches
Nisha Desai and Martin Gogolla Developing Comprehensive Postconditions Through a Model Transformation Chain
Théo Le Calvar, Frédéric Jouault, Fabien Chhel and Mickael Clavreul Efficient ATL Incremental Transformations
Eugene Syriani, Bill Robert and Manuel Wimmer Domain-Specific Model Distance Measures